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Convention Dailies - Thursday, July 28

Convention: Final Day

The morning started off with almost a dozen training sessions encompassing everything from Learning to Combat BDS, how to be more successful in getting more public relations coverage, engaging members and donors in the new multi-faceted research campaign, using stories from Israel to inspire members, how to build your social media audience, advocacy training for attending or convening a Day in the District, and more.

Upon completion of these hands-on training sessions, attendees gathered for the closing plenary and awards ceremony. Roz Rosen opened with inspiring words encouraging participants to take home the passion of this Hadassah 98th National Convention. National VP’s Frieda Rosenberg and Kathy Hershfield excited the group with the news that "Celebrate 2018" will be a big year for Hadassah as we commemorate the Hadassah School of Nursing 100th Anniversary, the 100th Anniversary of the Dept. of Ophthalmology and Hebrew University, plus the 70th birthday of the State of Israel.

It was announced that donors contributed over $2.5 million during Convention and through the text-to-pledge campaign this week. Diane Siegel was the raffle winner of the Endless Beginnings research necklace. Missions raffle for $100 off an upcoming Hadassah mission went to Susan Glicksberg, Pacific Northwest Region.

National President Ellen Hershkin and Executive Director/CEO Janice Weinman gave their closing remarks reminding attendees about how much we learned these last four powerful days, and how much Hadassah has to offer. Ellen asked everyone to take out their cell phones and text the millennials in their life reminding them to #RockTheVote by registering and voting in November. Ellen also announced that Benita Ross and Karen Lustig will be the co-chairs of the National Business meeting in St. Louis, MO in July 2017.

Prior to the closing remarks from the Convention Chairs, both the PRAZE and Development divisions gave out many awards (too many to mention here so watch the video below). Congrats and thank you to all the chapters and individual volunteers who worked very hard during the year and continue to advocate, heal and connect thousands to Israel and Zionism through Hadassah.

Convention Chair Carol Ann Schwartz and Vice Chair Merna Shapiro wrapped up with a very long list of thank yous to the hundreds of volunteers and staff who helped make the last four days a huge success. They also gave the credentials report which included impressive stats such as 103 attendees at the First Timers and Gifted members reception, 28 boutique vendors, 230 at the Founders dinner, 261 at the Keepers of the Gate reception, 194 speakers, and total registration of 950 people!

Watch all the speeches below plus a special Hatikvah video. Convention videos and photo galleries will be posted at hadassah.org/convention during the week of August 1. Watch your emails and don’t forget to share your passion—the fun, the sisterhood, what you learned at the incredible plenaries and training sessions—and get ready for National Convention 2018 with Hadassah, the Power of Women Who Do!


Wednesday Evening Gala Banquet


Thursday Closing Ceremony

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  2. Type your full name, pledge amount, and a short personal message along with your designation: Tower or Research
  3. Press SEND!

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