EVOLVE Hadassah: The Young Women's Network

We are a group of passionate, dynamic, super-savvy young women under 50, dedicated to shepherding Hadassah’s core mission into the future and ensuring that it remains a vibrant, thriving organization. We draw members from across the country, from diverse ethnicities and backgrounds. We are successful professionals, creative thinkers, problem solvers, and energetic powerhouses unafraid of a challenge. We come to Hadassah for different personal reasons and engage with Hadassah in varied ways, from local meet-ups to advocacy to social media. We love being part of Hadassah because of the relationships we build, the values it represents, and the power to effect change it gives us.


We are out there fighting for the things we care about as Jewish women, from combating anti-Semitism to protecting reproductive rights. Through our efforts, the House passed the Never Again Education Act which supports Holocaust education in our nation's schools. Sign up for alerts about Advocacy initiatives here.


Our EVOLVE Hadassah events across the country — from happy hours to cooking classes to compelling guest speakers — offer a chance to build friendships and community. Email us to learn about events near you. And our professional councils provide an excellent means for career building.

Be Inspired

Go to our media center and see the incredible work Hadassah is doing around the world to save lives. Or listen and be enthralled by one of our podcasts -- The Branch featuring real-life stories from Israel, and Hadassah On Call, bringing you inside the dramatic goings-on at Hadassah Hospitals. Listen and be amazed.

Join Us

Becoming a Hadassah member and joining EVOLVE Hadassah will enrich your life in so many ways. Watch our "I Connect" video below to see why other young women like you have joined us. Join a community of incredible women and become empowered to do good in the world. Learn more.

Member Spotlights


Philadelphia, PA
“Hadassah women are strong. They are steadfast. They do things well and they do it powerfully.”


Philadelphia, PA
“When you join Hadassah, you feel like you’re home.”


Charlotte, NC
“If you are passionate and excited and motivated and goal-oriented, then this is the place for you.”


Connect on Social Media

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Donation Questions


(800) 928-0685

Membership Questions


(800) 664-5646

Israel Travel


(800) 237-1517

Contact Us

40 Wall Street

New York, NY 10005

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